Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Is it sustainable?

For my sustainability topic, I've chosen to write about electric vehicles.  I want to start with the advances in electric vehicle technology as where we are now and discuss where it may or may not lead to.  I also want to talk about the different types of vehicles that are now electric (cars, trucks, trains, etc).  I also want to discuss the benefits of electric compared to staying with oil and gas.  I also want to find out if it is a viable solution to what we have now and what things stand in the way of this change, and if it is possible, how long it will be until the majority of vehicles on the road no longer use oil and gas.


  1. Electric vehicles are an excellent idea; the only drawback I can think of is this- where is the electricity coming from to recharge the batteries? It seems a bit self-defeating to me when most of our country's electricity is obtained from burning fossil fuels. Hopefully one day that will no longer be the case though, eh?

  2. That's the question, isn't it? Can electric vehicles be sustained on a large scale or a long period of time? Where is the power coming from? That's what I want to find out and write about.
